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regina meredithRegina Meredith is one of the most respected interview hosts in the world of esoteric studies, secret agendas, politics, health discoveries, economics, UFOs, strange phenomena, and greater consciousness.

Her work is so important and instrumental in opening minds and expanding awareness in others by sharing the wisdom of today’s leading visionaries, that I included her in my book, The Top 7 SuperVisionaries: Pivotal Insights to Transform Your Life.

She started off her career in the 1970s as one of the first female sportscasters, eventually working for NBC in New York along side Bryant Gumble.

Her roles in media went on to include, news anchor, show host, documentary producer, writer, author (Regina’s Vegetarian Table, Regina’s International Vegetarian Favorites, and her latest Soulo Journey), and also series host of the PBS national series Regina’s Vegetarian Table.

In 2004, she and her former husband Scott Meredith founded CMN, Conscious Media Network. As the host, she interviewed experts and researchers about the topics she was most passionate about since she was a young girl.

In 2012, CMN was bought by Gaiam (the yoga company) to form GaiamTV (now GAIA). Regina continues to host her OPEN MINDS show on GAIA, delving into many fascinating topics in her more than 700+ interviews.

These must-see shows are opening minds to discover amazing new information, sharing some of the brightest visionaries and luminaries in the english speaking world.




Cafe Namaste

Episodes of

Catching Up With Regina

Regina Meredith shares some of her unique wisdom and valuable perspective on Catching Up With Regina.

I created this show with Regina to give her a chance to share her own wisdom and perspective that she doesn’t often get the opportunity to speak about when interviewing her own guests.

Best of all, you can even ask Regina a question yourself if you send it to and we may discuss it on the next episode.Catching Up With Regina video blog, audio podcast logo


EPISODE 1: Regina Meredith from GAIA Network Shares Her Unique Wisdom on “Catching Up With Regina”

Regina Meredith and Scott Helton

Regina Meredith’s new video blog “Catching Up With Regina” to let her fans know what she’s up to, her perspective on life and the world, and what’s currently on her radar…

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 EPISODE 2: You’re Now Being Supported to Let Go of Old Ways and Dream Big

Catching Up With Regina Meredith -Epi 2

Time to Let Go of Old Ways of Being and Dream Big!

Join Regina Meredith from Gaiam TV and me on this month’s episode of “Catching Up With Regina”.

Especially relevant, Regina gives us her take on the intense confrontation of all the areas in our lives and our world that…

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EPISODE 3: Catching Up with Regina Meredith – Feb 2015


Catching Up With Regina Meredith video blog, audio podcast

Catching Up with Regina Meredith – Feb 2015

Regina Meredith is one of the most well-respected researchers and reporters in the alternative news media.

Having interviewed a vast array of experts, both famous and unknown for several decades, she has her finger on the pulse of what’s happening.

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The Evolution and Destiny of the Human Race shared by Regina Meredith

regina meredith evolution and destiny

You can check out her shows, Open Minds, Healing Matrix, and CMN by clicking on the banner below

regina meredith open minds

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    • By: Paula Suzette Geroux© on September 11, 2021 at 8:04 pm
    • Reply

    Regina, I love your Gaia series, Open Minds. S19:E15, the gentleman was only giving 1/2 of the history. Please look into Anna von Reitzinger and the full history of our “government”:, also and These are well worth your knowing! Peace and Light,

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