Have you ever faced a difficult situation in life and wondered “What is the purpose of this?, or How did I attract this?”
Maybe even with a few exclamation points and/or expletives…?
Sometimes these experiences can really test our confidence in beliefs we thought we truly trusted. This may even be a good thing, an opportunity to explore a deeper meaning. We can either refine, throw out, or develop an even greater sense of confidence in these beliefs when new light and understanding are shed on concepts we held so true.
Here’s a short, but significant article by Andrea Conway summarizing great teachers such as Gregg Braden, Mike Dooley, and Abraham Hicks on how they suggest we might take a look at how we conceptualize reality:
Gregg Braden’s Consciousness Test (Law of Attraction’s Toughest Question)
by Andrea Conway
In Gregg Braden’s 2008 book, The Spontaneous Healing of Belief, he asserts there is one belief system – and one only – that determines whether a person’s beliefs are in conscious alignment with the universe – or not.
That’s what makes it, to me, the toughest LoA question of all.
He also says you can discover whether you have this belief system by answering just one question.
When I read what the belief system was, it made total sense. But what surprised me was Gregg’s position that this one belief holds such supreme importance in our ability to co-create as a conscious partner with spirit.
As you consider what Gregg calls “The Great Question at the Core of Your Life,” answer it from the truth of your own experience – rather from what you think you should believe (or wish you could believe) as a “spiritual person.”
Of course: regardless of which belief you choose, you are still a powerful creator and a spiritual being. Spirit is the core of all being – no one and nothing can be left out.
Here is Gregg Braden’s Great Question:
Which do you believe in:

1) A world where powers of good and evil constantly oppose each other and where each power has the ability to overcome the other?
1) A world where powers of good and evil constantly oppose each other and where each power has the ability to overcome the other?
2) A world where everything is good and all serves the good of the whole (even if it doesn’t always appear that way on the surface)?

2) A world where everything is good and all serves the good of the whole (even if it doesn’t always appear that way on the surface)?
Many of us would like to believe in #2, but there’s usually that especially difficult situation – the one we are absolutely certain we’ve done nothing whatsoever to attract – – that makes us question the idea of universal goodness.
Mike Dooley, in his book Manifesting Change, writes about a bad car accident he had in his 20s and how it led him to understand the true goodness of the universe. His explanation of the cause of unwanted, unexpected events that show up even in the lives of us deliberate creators is this:
“Whenever the seemingly ‘unthought’ of unexpectedly lands in your path, it is always a steppingstone to another place that you have been thinking about.”
I can vouch for the truth of this, because a most definitely unwanted car accident in 2006 led me to realize I had been living with soul-wrenching compromise in the area of romantic relationships. Having been jolted on all levels, I decided to ask my soul mate, John, for what I truly wanted – which led directly to the beautiful relationship we have now.
The pre-accident me would have felt it way too emotionally risky to have such a direct conversation with a romantic partner, for fear of rejection.
What’s your answer to The Great Question?
If you solidly believe in an all-good universe, know that you have what some of the leading spiritual lights of our time say is the most graceful belief platform from which to manifest your dreams. The message of Abraham comes to us entirely from this perspective.
If you’re questioning how the insane world we live in could possibly be considered all good, honor this deep questioning and be true to what you honestly believe. Many of the world’s most successful people believe as you do.
If you’re somewhere in the middle, unable to feel at home in either position, you might want to read Gregg Braden’s book The Spontaneous Healing of Belief and/or Mike Dooley’s books Manifesting Change or Leveraging the Universe.
Regardless of your current answer to the Great Question, you are always in your exact right place. I would add only this: if your point of view doesn’t give you an absolute feeling of inner peace, this could indicate that your answer is still evolving.
As Abraham teaches: when what we’re thinking is in alignment with what our Inner Being knows to be true, we always feel good.
[You can check out and sign up for Andrea’s blog at www.andreaconway.com]
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