SUCCESS: Author:Ryan Nichols ~from Nichols Clinical Hypnotherapy ~ We all love money on some level, but what does this have to do with hypnosis and hypnotherapy? I’ll let Anthony Robbins answer that: “All wealth begins and ends in the mind. If you do not have enough money in your life there is one – and …
Want to Transform Yourself? First Step: BE IT!
A New You Requires New Fuel and Information. If you want to transform yourself, if you’re inspired to make a big change in your life (perhaps many), it would be wise to start first with …
- November 19, 2015
- Scott Helton
Milk Does a Body Bad: But What About RAW Milk?
If You Drink Milk, Make Sure It’s Raw Milk From a Great Source. Here’s Why… Put down that glass of milk if you know what’s good for you… and don’t even think of …
- April 9, 2013
- Scott Helton
Eat More Fat to Be Healthy: Diet and Low-Fat Foods are the Problem!
EAT MORE FAT – COCONUT OIL | OLIVE OIL | AVOCADOS | NUTS [DISPLAY_ULTIMATE_PLUS] Eat more fat? What!?? If you’ve been paying attention lately, you know that it is now widely accepted that …
- May 12, 2015
- Scott Helton
Are You Getting Enough Vitamin B12?
VITAMIN B12 is the Energy Vitamin Classified as more of a necessary hormone influence than a vitamin, B12 (methylcobalamin, or cobalamin) is super-critical for energy and happiness levels. Many people unknowingly suffer from …
- September 9, 2013
- Scott Helton
BIOSUPERFOOD – Super Rich in Nutrients
BIOSUPERFOOD MICROALGAE Want more energy and vitality? You may not be getting the nutritional support you need… BIOSUPERFOOD is an excellent source for the nutrition your body is craving. The BIOSUPERFOOD (BSF) formulas …
- February 6, 2014
- Scott Helton
Cacao Benefits: The Healthy Superfood That Tastes Like a Treat
CACAO is RAW CHOCOLATE Cacao Benefits: We’ve been misled to believe that the cacao benefits are only as used in deserts that we should eat sparingly, but cacao is such a great source of nutrition …
- October 15, 2014
- Scott Helton
Anti-Aging – Living Longer and Healthier
Reverse The Aging of Your Body So You Can Live With Optimum Health What’s the most important thing to you personally? If you listen and observe others discussing their concerns, what often takes most precedence …
- May 15, 2015
- Scott Helton
MegaHydrate – The Greatest Supplement Ever
MEGAHYDRATE Designed by the literal genius Dr. Patrick Flanagan, megahydrate is on the “must have”, “deserted island” list of the most famous health experts around. What it does is truly amazing, and positively impacts …
- April 10, 2014
- Scott Helton
Krill Oil is Your Best Source of Omega 3 Fats
Your Best Source of Omega 3 is KRILL OIL Most people are extremely deficient in Omega 3 fats which leads to a variety of health issues. There are 3 Omega 3 fats, DHA, ALA, …
- April 10, 2014
- Scott Helton
One of the Best Things You Can Do to Boost Your Health
VITAMIN D Don’t underestimate this simple step, it’s one of the best things you can do to boost your health. This should be on everyone’s supplement list. Most of the leading health experts say we …
- April 11, 2015
- Scott Helton
The Only 8 Step Process You Need To Love Yourself As You Are
- By Scott Helton
AWAKENING: There’s a new understanding of Ancient Truths emerging… It’s the End of the Self-Improvement Movement! By Scott Helton “The Law of Emergence,” a term coined by author and coach Derek Rydell. It’s a more holistic, yet very different approach to The Law of Attraction. While it may seem subtle to the initiate, there’s an …
Science Behind the Unified Field – How We Create Reality Together
- By Scott Helton
The Brilliant Nassim Haramein Explains How We Create Reality…Together [DISPLAY_ULTIMATE_PLUS] Yep, we create reality. Actually, we co-create reality together. And no, this isn’t just a nice “new-agey” concept. There’s a growing number of scientists and researchers like Nassim Haramein, Mark Rodin, Deepak Chopra, and Roger Penrose, among many others who report that our current …
Could the Sun’s Energy Actually Be Sending Us Information Like Radio Waves?
- By Scott Helton
ENERGY: By Scott Helton Might there be more going on with how we are affected by the sun, earth, and even the entire cosmos? Is there more of an information exchange happening than most are even aware of? Science is now proving (to itself) what the mystics and yogis have talked about for eons. …
- By Scott Helton
AWAKENING: By Scott Helton This Film is a Must See! Everyone searching for greater understanding will find this to be highly valuable. One of the best films we’ve seen lifting the veil and explaining who we are, the world now, what is happening, and solutions to thrive and create meaningful change. Some of the …
Doctors Are the Third Leading Cause of Death
- By Scott Helton
Did you know that doctors are the 3rd leading cause of death? If you blindly trust and follow your doctor’s advice, you could potentially fall victim to iatrogenic disease, death by following your doctor’s protocols. You must always question professional advice, and accept yourself as your ultimate health authority. Alternative Health News …
Heart Intelligence: The Heart is More Powerful Than the Brain -Gregg Braden & Howard Martin
- By Scott Helton
A Fascinating Discussion by Gregg Braden & Howard Martin About Heart Intelligence. Share: [DISPLAY_ULTIMATE_PLUS] The Heart is More Powerful than the Brain and a Better Guide What is heart intelligence you may ask? The Institute of Heart Math is just one of the leading-edge scientific communities now confirming through science what the yogis and mystics …
The Great Question at the Core of Your Life
- By Scott Helton
Have you ever faced a difficult situation in life and wondered “What is the purpose of this?, or How did I attract this?” Maybe even with a few exclamation points and/or expletives…? Sometimes these experiences can really test our confidence in beliefs we thought we truly trusted. This may even be a good thing, an …
- By Scott Helton
WHAT IS HAPPENING WITH THE WORLD TODAY? What if there is another perspective, another way of seeing the apparent madness occurring in the world? The truth is, there are many perspectives, even positive ones… If you want to feel inspired, rather than defeated about our current global and personal situation unfolding, watch this video by …