Optimize Your Health With Amazing New Technologies The Problem: Mainstream Medicine is Seriously Flawed There are many powerfully effective health and wellness tools available that you’ll never hear about from mainstream medicine. If you truly want to optimize your health, you need to look outside the establishment. You already know the problem with the standard …
Thriving by healthy living and healthy habits.
Wim Hof: This Jedi Yogi Is Proving We Can All Be Super Human
Having personally broken over 28 World-Records, Wim Hof shows us that we can all be super human . How to experience ultimate health and happiness without drugs. This guy is “The Shit,” the real life Obi-Wan Kenobi. If you haven’t heard of Wim Hof yet, this is not your average cool guy performing amazing feats …
Anti-Aging – Living Longer and Healthier
Reverse The Aging of Your Body So You Can Live With Optimum Health What’s the most important thing to you personally? If you listen and observe others discussing their concerns, what often takes most precedence is the core concern over living longer and healthier. Even the desire for acceptance or money can be ferreted down …
Eat More Fat to Be Healthy: Diet and Low-Fat Foods are the Problem!
EAT MORE FAT – COCONUT OIL | OLIVE OIL | AVOCADOS | NUTS [DISPLAY_ULTIMATE_PLUS] Eat more fat? What!?? If you’ve been paying attention lately, you know that it is now widely accepted that all that advice about fat being unhealthy and bad for your heart was DEAD WRONG. As Yoda said, “You must …
One of the Best Things You Can Do to Boost Your Health
VITAMIN D Don’t underestimate this simple step, it’s one of the best things you can do to boost your health. This should be on everyone’s supplement list. Most of the leading health experts say we actually need more Vitamin D than we’re told. [DISPLAY_ULTIMATE_PLUS] Have you ever really thought about why basking in …
Are Vaccines Safe and Should They Be Mandatory?
Are Vaccines Safe? Granted the question on the safety of vaccines may be one of the more important ones you need to answer as a parent, or for yourself, yet many probably spend more time actually debating the color of paint for their room. It’s easy to understand because after all, most people are trained …
Cacao Benefits: The Healthy Superfood That Tastes Like a Treat
CACAO is RAW CHOCOLATE Cacao Benefits: We’ve been misled to believe that the cacao benefits are only as used in deserts that we should eat sparingly, but cacao is such a great source of nutrition that it’s known as one of the top 5 Super Foods in the World! [DISPLAY_ULTIMATE_PLUS] Yep, it’s time to …
Doctors and Scientists With Concerns About Vaccines
Doctors and Scientists with Concerns About Vaccines… and who are willing to face the backlash of questioning the safety and effectiveness of vaccines. Recognize that these are only some of the doctors and scientists who are concerned about the safety of vaccines AND willing to go public and face ridicule. This is by no …
Krill Oil is Your Best Source of Omega 3 Fats
Your Best Source of Omega 3 is KRILL OIL Most people are extremely deficient in Omega 3 fats which leads to a variety of health issues. There are 3 Omega 3 fats, DHA, ALA, and EPA. The animal sourced form of these fats, EPA and DHA, are critical for all kinds of functions …
8 IMMORTALS, A Powerful Blend of Chinese Adaptogenic Super-Herbs
8 IMMORTALS Many people may initially snicker at Chinese medicine and their herbal tinctures the way they may scoff at a snake-oil salesman back in the 1800s, but to associate the two is grossly ignorant of the over 5,000 year history of well-documented research by the Chinese herbal masters. Remember, Western allopathic medicine is still …